Tip for Trip:
Hrebienok – HighTatras
Hrebienok, located in 1285 m.a.s.l., is one from the easily accessible places in High Tatras. You will get there from Starý Smokovec by funicular or by walk. You can go by walk on forest road or asphalt one, the hike takes cca 1 hour.
From 29.01.2016 to 31.01.2016 were here held the unofficial world championships in sculpted ice sculpture. Event, called Tatry Ice Master, joined teams from 12 countries such as Canda, Czech Republic, Netherlands, Hungary, Iraq, Poland, Russia, Singapore, Slovak Republic, Turkey and USA. Each day have team different topic. The topics of this year were World fauna, which won the team of Slovak Republic with a statue of a scorpion. The second day was theme History of country where I come from and last was a Free theme. Statues, on which were used tens of tons of ice have 3D design and can be seen for several weeks after the event, of course, depending on weather conditions. For visitors were also prepared ice bars or ice chair on which could visitors sit.
Scorpio of Slovak republic team

Doves of Singapure team

Totem of Canada´s team
Hrebienok visitors can also see the Ice Dome in baroque style, which is under the dome, where is maintaining a suitable temperature. From 70 tons of ice were created baroque statues, angels who keep an eye on visitors, or columns. The dominant of Ice Dome is St. John the Apostle, protector and patron of sculptors and the temple who has in hand eagle and before him is wolf. Ice Dome is a venue for concerts, weddings and even theatrical performances. This year, visitors can see for the first time also flowers frozen in ice. Ice Dome should be located on Hrebienok till the end of March, or even to 17.04.2016, of course, the length of the opening will depend on the weather.
St. John the Apostle
Baroque statues