Monday, 23 March 2015

Špargľa v lístkovom ceste

- zväzok špargle
- lístkové cesto
- vajcia, múka
- soľ

Prísady pre dip:
- kyslá smotana alebo biely jogurt
- mladá cibuľka
- korenie


Chyťte koniec a stred každej špargle a rozlomte ich. Odlomíte niekoľko centimetrov, ktoré sú drevnaté. Ak s tým budete mať problémy, môžete pár centimetrov odrezať. Ošúpte špargľu, nakrájajte na štvrtiny a  povarte ich v osolenej vode. Keď voda dosiahne bod varu, nechajte špargľu variť desať minúta, sceďte ju a nechajte vychladnúť.

Na pomúčenej doske rozvaľkajte lístkové cesto a nakrájajte na štvorčeky, do ktorých budete baliť pripravenú špargľu. Potrite balíček s vajíčkom a nechajte piecť v trúbe na dvadsať až tridsať minút pri 175 ° C.

Podávame so zeleninou a dipom, ktorý si pripravíme s korením, nakrájanou jarnou cibuľkou a kyslou smotanou alebo bielym jogurtom.
Športy pre bábätká

Všetci poznáme zdravotné prínosy športu, resp. pravidelne vykonávaných pohybových aktivít. Z ich ohromného množstva môžeme spomenúť napr. zlepšenie mentálnych funkcií a celkového psychického stavu, zníženie napätia a nervozity, prehĺbenie dýchania, zmiernenie ťažkostí s kĺbmi či zníženie váhy. Mnoho mladých mamičiek sa však môže pýtať, či je šport vhodný aj pre bábätká?

Hoci existuje mnoho názorov, ktoré tvrdia, že bábätká v podstate žiadne špeciálne športy nepotrebujú a v ich veku im postačuje prirodzená aktivita ako plazenie, chodenie a hranie, ako uvádza pediater David Geller špeciálne triedy, kde bábätká cvičia „Vás môžu naučiť nové spôsoby ako komunikovať so svojím bábätkom, zistíte akú fyzickú kapacitu v danom veku bábätko má a napokon, ak má bábätko nejaké fyzické alebo neurologické problémy, detské kurzy cvičenia a fyzickej terapie môžu byť extrémne nápomocne pre rozvoj detí.“ Mohli by sme sa teda opýtať, aký šport je pre bábätko najvhodnejší?


Hovorí sa, že pohyb vo vode je pre nás najprirodzenejší, dokonca mnohé mamičky volia ako alternatívu tradičného pôrodu, pôrod do vody. Aj na Slovensku je v súčasnosti plávanie s bábätkami prirodzenou súčasťou života mamičiek a ich detí, nakoľko práve táto aktivita spevňuje svalstvo, rozvíja ich motoriku a koordináciu pohybov, rovnováhu, orientačné a socializačné schopnosti. Mamičky by však nemali zabúdať, že plávanie sa pre ich bábätká odporúča až po dovŕšení 6 týždňa, skôr je bábätko ohrozené infekciami.

Vďaka tomu, že nás voda nadnáša a pohybuje sa nám v nej oveľa ľahšie, môže mnohé mamičky zaujímať, či je plávanie vhodné i pre bábätká s postihnutím. Ako uvádza Monika Kováčová, zakladateľka plaveckých jasličiek MOKO, práve pre tieto deti predstavuje plávanie niečo „úžasné! Voda im nahrádza to, čo nedokážu na suchu (...) sú šťastní, pretože vo vode dokážu urobiť pohyby, ktoré im normálne ich zdravotný stav nedovoľuje.


Jógu by sme mohli charakterizovať ako súbor cvičení, ktorých cieľom je zjednotiť telo, dušu i myseľ. Na prvý pohľad by sa mohlo zdať, že tieto 5000 rokov staré cvičenia predstavujúce spojenie fyzických cvikov a dýchacích techník môžu byť pre bábätká v takom rannom veku nevhodné, ale práve tzv. Itsy Bitsy jóga je určená pre našich najmenších, pre bábätká, batoľatá i deti v predškolskom veku. Táto jóga, ktorej zakladateľkou je Helen Garabedianová, predstavuje unikátnu zmes jógových pozícií, detských pohybov, dýchania a rôznych relaxačných techník.

Podľa Garabedianovej jóga „pomáha spať dlhšie a stimulovať mentálny a fyzický rozvoj.“ Jóga s bábätkami má však pozitíva i pre mamičky. Z mnohých z nich možno spomenúť vnútornú rovnováhu ale i vybudovanie síl po pôrode. Ďalej, ako uvádza lektorka jógy Rádha Třešňáková, „ako mamičky, tak bábätká sa môžu schádzať so svojimi vrstovníkmi a do každodennej rutiny sa vnesie nejaký nový prvok, sústredenie, hra.“


Klasická, švédska, siatsu, športová či reflexná. V súčasnosti si môžeme z týchto i ďalších masáží vyberať a dosiahnuť tak zlepšenie zdravotného stavu. Okrem všeobecne známych prínosov ako je zníženie stresu, posilnenie imunity, ustálenie krvného tlaku, zlepšenie prúdenia kyslíka v tele či relaxácia svalov môžu mať špeciálne druhy masáží i ďalšie benefity akou je napr. podpora rastu vlasov. Masáže ako také sú však pre všetky vekové kategórie zdravšie, ako by sa nám mohlo zdať. Ako uvádza Štefan Zakuťanský, objaviteľ existencie samoliečebného pudu, „na hojenie zápalu sú účinky masáže prinajmenšom také, ako od chemických liekov. Ďalej sa mi podarilo objaviť  dokonca aj to, že účinky masáže predbehujú lieky v tom, že dokážu vyliečiť aj doteraz neliečiteľné chronické zápaly.“

Ako je to však s masážami a bábätkami? Celkovo, je dôležité, aby boli mamičky či oteckovia počas masáže pokojní a masírovali bábätko na tichom, teplom mieste. Je veľmi dôležité, aby rodičia masírovali svoje bábätká jemným dotykom. Práve pokojný, citlivý a jemný prístup je dôležitý nakoľko, ako uvádza štúdia z Minessotskej Univerzity, deti sa od svojich rodičov môžu naučiť hnevu, agresii a preberajú na seba ich správanie už vo veku niekoľkých týždňov.

Nech sa už rozhodnete pre akýkoľvek šport so svojím bábätkom, nikdy nesmiete zabúdať na očný kontakt, jemné zaobchádzanie a sledovanie nálady bábätka. V prípade, ak sa nálada bábätka zmení, odporúča sa s túto aktivitu zastaviť. Samozrejme, rovnako dôležitá je i konzultácia s pediatrom, nakoľko nie každá aktivita je vhodná skutočne pre každého.

Sunday, 15 March 2015

Najdrahšie skrášľovacie procedúry (1)

V rôznych častiach sveta a v rôznych obdobiach sa stretávame s odlišnými skrášľovacími procedúrami. Z tých najbolestivejších môžeme zrejme spomenúť zväzovanie nôh z Číny, ktoré trvalo až do 20. storočia; drevené disky vložené v spodných perách žien kmeňa Mursi či niekoľko kilogramové obruče, ktoré nosia ženy kmeňa Padaungov známe aj ako „žirafie ženy.“ Pre západný svet však skrášľovacie procedúry predstavujú rôzne masky, krémy, gély či kúpele, ktoré si mnohé ženy snažia pripraviť z dostupných prostriedkov ako sú vajcia, med či mlieko. Dokonca kúpeľ v mede a v mlieku obľubovala aj samotná Kleopatra.

Hoci sa mnohé ženy snažia na týchto procedúrach ušetriť, nájdu sa i také, ktoré sú za krásu ochotné zaplatiť viac. Medzi najdrahšie skrášľovacie procedúry môžeme v súčasnosti zaradiť:

1.       Diamantový a rubínový píling

Píling, ktorý má pôvod v anglickom slove peel – zlupovať, zbrusovať, má za cieľ najmä zjemnenie, vyčistenie a prekrvenie pokožky. Zatiaľ čo mnohé ženy si snažia píling vytvoriť takpovediac podomácky zo smotany, bieleho jogurtu, medu, cukru či kávy ten najdrahší s kúskami rubínov a diamantov stojí v prepočte asi 6 500,- euro. Táto kúra, ktorú pre celebritný svet uviedol vizionár a expert na krásu Scott Vincent Borba, pozostáva z aplikácie pílingu obsahujúceho rubíny a diamanty a následnej parafínovej masky z hodvábnych vlákien, ktorá sa zahrieva LED svetlom na tvári.
Túto procedúru využíva napríklad herečka Mila Kunisová, o ktorej samotný Borba pre portál povedal, že je „jednou z jeho múz a bude testovať jeho veci skôr ako všetci ostatní, aby mu dala spätnú väzbu.“

2.       Kúpeľ vo vode Evian

Minerálnych vôd a prameňov máme na Slovensku neúrekom. Každá z nich je niečím jedinečná a každá má iné zdraviu prospešné minerály, ktoré napomáhajú pri rôznych ochoreniach. V súčasnosti sa na slovenský trh však dostavajú i zahraničné vody. Jednou z najdrahších minerálnych vôd, ktoré môžeme v súčasnosti dostať i na Slovensku je Evian. Ako sa môžeme dočítať na stránkach „jedinečnú minerálnu rovnováhu získava evian počas jej 15 ročnej cesty cez starobylé ľadovce v srdci francúzskych Álp.“ Táto minerálna voda sa v súčasnosti pridáva do rôznych kozmetických prípravkov ako sú čistiace tampóny, spreje alebo sprchové gély. Avšak okrem týchto „maličkostí“ prišiel Hotel Victor na Floride aj s unikátnou možnosťou kúpeľa v tejto minerálnej vode, ktorý stojí v prepočte asi 4 700,- euro, pričom kúpeľ pozostáva z obsahu 1 000 fliaš vody Evian a na požiadanie zamestnanci do kúpeľa pridajú aj lupienky ruží. Vysoká suma tohto kúpeľa pramení zrejme i v tom, že voda sa do neho nalieva z edície fliaš, ktorú navrhol Christian Lacroix. Zo svetoznámych osobností tento kúpeľ vyskúšala napríklad aj tenistka Serena Williamsová.

3.       Masáž dvadsiatimi rukami

Masáže sa pre mnohých z nás stali súčasťou života kvôli ich relaxačným a zdravotným účinkom. V súčasnosti tak môžeme vyskúšať klasické, ajurvédske, lymfatické, thajské či športové a ďalšie iné masáže využívajúce rôzne oleje či dokonca aj med či čokoládu. Najdrahšiu masáž v cene od 1 800,- euro ponúka hotel Grand Wailea Resort na ostrove Maui, ktorý túto akciu pripravil pri príležitosti svojho 20 ročného výročia. Masáž je určená pre páry, takže jedného človeka masíruje súčasne päť masérov, pričom jeden sa zameriava na pokožku hlavy, dvaja na chrbát a trup a dvaja na nohy. Po dva a pol hodinovej masáži dostane pár levanduľové krčné vankúše, na ktorých počas masáže partneri ležali.

Thursday, 12 March 2015

Sports for babies (EN)

We all know the health benefits of sport, respectively regularly performed physical activities. From the huge amount we can mention for example improving of mental functions and overal mental condition, reducing stress and anxiety, alleviate difficulties with joints or weight reduction. Many young mothers may, however ask whether is sport suitable for babies?

Although there are many opinions, that say that babies basically do not need any special sports and at their age are sufficient their natural activities like crawling, walking and playing, according to David Geller special classes where are babies practicing „can teach you new ways to communicate with your baby, you will discover what physical capacity at the given age baby has and, finally, if the baby has any physical or neurological problems, children´s courses exercise and physical therapy can be extremely helpful for the child development.“ We might therefore ask what sport is the best for our babies?


People used to say that the movement in the water is for us the most natural. In many countries of the world is currently swimming with babies natural part of life of mothers and their children, because this activity strengthens muscles, develops their motor skills and physical coordination, balance, orientation and socialization skills. Moms should not forget that swimming is recommended for their babies from age of 6 weeks, because earlier is baby threatened by infections.

Due to the fact, that moves are in water much easier, may be moms interested in whether is this sport suitable for babies with disabilities. As reported by Monika Kováčová for these children is swimming something „awesome! Water replaced them what they can´t do on ground (...) they are happy because in water they can make moves, which normally their health do not allow.


Yogu can be characterized as a set of exercises designed to unite body, mind and spirit. At first glance it might seem that these 5000 years old excercises representing the connection of physical exercises and breathing techniques can be for babies at such a young age inappropriate, but so called Itsy Bitsy Yoga is for our little ones, for babies, toddlers and preschoolers. This yoga, whose founder is Helen Garabedian represents a unique blend of yoga postures, pediatric, respiration and various relaxation techniques.

According to Garabedian this yoga „helps sleep longer and stimulate mental and physical development.“ Yoga with babies has also positive effects on moms. From them we can mention the internal balance or getting new powers after birth. Furthermore, as states the yoga instructor Radha Třešňáková „mothers and babies can meet with their peers and to the daily routine is introduced a new element, concentration, game.“


Classical, Swedish, shiatsu, reflexology and sport. Currently we can of these and other ones choose and achieve the health improvements. In addition to well-known benefits such as reducing stress, boost immunity, stabilize blood pressure, improve the flow of oxygen in the body or muscle relaxation may have special types of massages other benefits such as promoting hair growth. As reported Štefan Zakuťanský, discoverer of the existence of the self-healing instinct „the healing effects of massage on inflammation are similar than as those from the chemical drugs. Furthermore, I was able to discover also that the effect of massage overtake medicines in that they can cure previously incurable chronic inflammation.“

But what with massages and babies? Overall, it is important that moms and dads should be during the massage calm and massaging the baby in a quiet, warm place. It is very important to massage baby with a gentle touch. Just calm, sensitive and gentle approach is necessary because, according to the study from the Minessota University, babies can learn anger, aggression and assume parents´ behaviour from the age of few weeks.

If you will decide for any sport with you baby, you should never forget on eye contact, gentle treatment and monitoring of the baby´s mood. In the case, when the baby´s mood changes, it is recommended to stop the activity. Of course, important is also consultation with the pediatrician, because not every activity is really suitable for everyone.

Sunday, 8 March 2015

Cities and places around the world


Pula, a wonderful city, from where every place oozes history of ancient times, is located on the Istrian Peninsula, Croatia. 3000 years ago was built this city by Illyrians. Later ruled the city Romans, who inhabited this place from 1 century and left there many monuments, which are till these days telling us ancient stories. Some of these monuments are: the Triumphal Arch of the Sergi, which was built to honour three members of the family who held important positions in Pula, Hercule´s Gate, which was a part of the Roman fortifications, Twin Gates, the Temple of Augustus or a Small Roman Theatre in the town centre. Probably the biggest attraction is the Roman amphitheater, known also as the Pula Arena, which was built around the same time as the Colloseum in Rome.

When we visited this place we have luck to heard one local legend which says, that Arena was built during night by fairies, who didn´t have enough time to end this construction and with first morning rays hid in safety. Arena remained unfinished. As can many people imagine in the past were in Arena held gladiatorial contests, but, currently it is a scene of various cultural events.

Another interesting matter binding to the Arena is the fact, that many from stones can be found in Venice, because Venetians, after the conquest of Pula, devastated amphitheater and turned it into a source of material for building palaces and buildings. Finally, near the Arena were found more than two thousand amphorae, which can visitors see in permanent exhibition in the underground of Arena. I can truly say that this exhibition is really interesting and if you wanna to see something from things, which people used in ordinary day in past, you should also see this place.

During our visit we found out that Pula is not only a historical city, which thanks to the many interesting sights attracts tourists from all over the world, but also a modern metropolis, the seat of the most important and biggest port in Istria, shipyards, international airport and the textile industry.
However, if you come to the city because of relax, you will be also satisfied. On this peninsula with rugged coastline and crystal clear sea, in which you can go from many beaches of fine gravel or stones, can be used varied menu of different sports from scuba diving, fishing and water skiing to cycling, golf, basketball or tennis.

Next, you can try different meals from which can be mentioned pizza, pasta or seafood but also brodetto (fish stew), black cuttlefish risotto, fritaja, maneštra (thick soup) and so on.

Whether you go to Pula because of entertainment, history, sports or culture, you will sure be captivated as thousands of tourists who come here every year...


Sunday, 1 March 2015

Painful beauty – 1. part

They sang about it in songs, described it in poems and novels. Beauty. In different times and cultures, people were and still are able to perform incredible and often painful rituals in order to achieve honor, marriage, social status and so on. Today, we present some of them...

Foot Binding

Probably one of the most painful beauty tradition was foot binding, which is also known as Lotus feet. This procedure, which was based on applying painfully tight binding to the feet of young girls and stop the growth of feet, began in 10th century. All this process start at very young age of girls, when the bones and cartilages were still flexible. First were girl´s feet softened in hot water, decoction of monkey bones or hot animal blood. Then was scrubbed off dead skin, clipped toenails and feet were sprinkled with alum, which served as a powder preventing perspiration. Then were feet bounded with cotton bandages, which were soaked in hot water. It should be also noted that as these bandages dried, they also shrinked. During binding were four small toes wrapped towards the heel. Thumb remained free to create a spike. Over the years were feet bandaged tighter.

Although foot binding was expanded in the higher classes and peasants didn´t make this procedure because it will be harder for them to work, through the time has this trend spread also to the lower classes, because "Lotus feet" could help young girls to marriage. As stated Zhou Guizhen, one of the last women with binded feet, "I regret binding my feet. I can´t dance, I can´t move properly. I regret it a lot. But at the time, if you didn´t bind your feet, no one would marry you."

There are different stories, which are trying to explain it. Probably the most popular is talking about emperor Li Yu, who ruled between 961 - 975 and had a concubine, who with bounded feet performed a "lotus dance." Other ladies imitated her and this tradition has gradually spread.

Even there were efforts to stop this painful tradition, the final stop brought in 20 century missionaries from the West countries, who launched the campaign and disseminate informations mainly about the health risks.

Nose Plugs of the Apatani Women

Apatani tribe, also known as the Tanni, may on the first view look like typical group of people, who we can find all over the world. They have patriarchal community and women are carrying out the household chores, cooking, fetching of water, nursing, taking care of children and other typical works at home or in the garden, but they are also controling the internal family income. Women are also skillful weavers, men are farmers, fishers or practicing basketry and similarly to other tribes or nations have brightly colored dresses, traditional dances and faith that misfortune or bad luck are caused by evil spirits. They believe in the oneness of all living creatures, every living creature has a role to play in life. During special ceremonies they are also sacrificing domestic as chicken, cow or mithun.

First interesting thing on this tribe settled in the Ziro Valley in central Arunachi Pradesh, India, is that they have intesting techniques of the conservation and cultivation. These people are using several methods of wet rice cultivation without use of machinery or animals. They also recycle waste and have irrigation system.

Second interesting thing is tradition of nose plugs, which are wearing women of this tribe. The stories say that the women of this tribe were the most beautiful in the area and therefore were often kidnapped, so they took action and started to give plugs in their noses and tattoos on their faces with a horizontal line from the forehead to the tip of the nose and five lines on their chins. But, interesting is also that the older men-folk tie the hair in top-knots and tatto the faces. It is therefore possible that tattoos were rather for decoration or to attract the respect and fear in the eyes of the enemy.

In modern times are wearing these plugs and tattoos mainly elderly women and men and probably from the middle of the 20th century this custom began to die because girls and boys born after the 1970s have not been practicing this tradition so often as before.

Mentawai Teeth Chiseling

For modern world are one of the ideals of beauty wonderful teeth. Although the modern world mostly focused on how to achieve the whitest teeth, in Indonesia are female Mentawaians of Sumatra undergoing Teeth Chiseling Ritual, during which are their front 6 teeth sanded to sharp, narrow and pointed shape. Teeth Chiseling Ritual is rather based spiritualy and sharpened teeth represent the balance between body and soul. People also believe that sharpened teeth will please the spirits the tribes believe in. Ritual in Mentawai tribe represents practice to beautify the appearance.

Usually were young girls undergoing this ritual during puberty, or in their later years if they were asked on it by their husbands. Although is this ritual gradually declining, it is still regarded as a practice to enhance the beauty and maintaining partner.

Today we can say that it is rather voluntary, although the  mayor´s wife is required to perform this procedure even it is painful and woman is given nothing to numb the feeling in mouth. Woman can only bites on green banana. Shaman of this tribe is during ritual using chisel, bamboo poles to move woman´s tongue out of the way and banana leaves to bite for the pain.

It should be also noted, that this ritual has been for more than 2 000 years alive in different parts of Indonesia. Although is in decline, there are still many places where you can during July and August see both men and women undergoing this procedure, because teeth are considered as the symbol of lust, greed, anger and other negative emotions. Ceremony perform member of the highest caste, the Brahmin (priest) or shaman with use of simple tools like file, small hammer and carver, which are purified with holy water.